This statement outlines the measures Digital Space Group Limited has in place and intends to take to prevent slavery and trafficking within its business operations and supply chains.

Ensuring Standards in our Supply Chain

Digital Space mandates that its Suppliers adhere to, and respect this statement, as part of their contractual obligations and our Supplier Code of Conduct. As a company, we promote ethical practices and policies that protect workers from abuse and exploitation within our organisation and supply chains.
We are currently unaware of any human trafficking or slavery activities within our supply chain and require all new Suppliers to comply with the UK government’s Modern Slavery Act 2015. We continue to collaborate with our largest Suppliers to report their progress on various Environmental and Social Governance issues, including slavery. If potential risks are identified, we will address them with the Supplier and, if compliance is unsatisfactory, we will consider terminating the contract. All new Suppliers must provide written confirmation of their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. If they cannot provide this confirmation, we will reconsider entering a contractual relationship with them.

Relevant Policies

Digital Space fully complies with all relevant employment legislation, ensuring fairness in resourcing and the advancement of all colleagues, both permanent and temporary, and without discrimination.
Our policies, including Corporate Social Responsibility, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunities, Health & Safety, Labour & Human Rights, Code of Ethics, and Whistleblowing, reflect our commitment to conducting business responsibly and ethically. These policies ensure that our colleagues receive the care they deserve. We also expect all our suppliers to uphold these same high standards.


Our recruitment process is thorough and transparent, with procedures in place to vet new colleagues. This includes BPSS checks that verify employment history (past three years), national immigration (right to work) status, unspent criminal records, and identity. Additionally, individuals must provide a reasonable account of any significant periods (totalling six months or more in the past three years) spent abroad.

Training and Awareness

To ensure awareness and a thorough understanding of Digital Space’s zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, we provide dedicated training for all colleagues through our Learning Management System. This training ensures that everyone is equipped to implement our policies and identify instances of forced labour in practice.


We monitor and track all suspected cases of slavery reported through our Whistleblowing procedure, ensuring that each case is investigated at the Exec level.

Ongoing improvement

Since last year, we have required our larger suppliers to sign-up to our Supplier Code of Conduct which includes the following requirements:

  • Respect the fundamental human rights of all employees and workers throughout our supply chain, including the right to freedom of association, collective bargaining, and non-discrimination.
  • Ensure that working conditions comply with all applicable labour laws and regulations, including safety standards, minimum wage requirements, and overtime restrictions.
  • Prevent all forms of forced labour, child labour, and discrimination in the workplace.

We have continued to:

  • Review our Modern Slavery and related policies to ensure they effectively address the risks of modern slavery.
  • Monitor training compliance rates to ensure 100% completion for all new colleagues, with annual refresher training.
  • Review minimum pay levels aligned with the Real Living Wage Foundation.

Board Approval

This statement has been signed by the Chief Financial Officer on behalf of the Board of Directors. The statement will be reviewed and updated as appropriate on an annual basis.

Tim Emly
Chief Financial Officer
January 2025