We’ve already achieved our 2030 carbon reduction target!

Digital Space, a leader in providing Secure, Connected Cloud, is pleased to announce they’ve achieved their 2030 carbon reduction target eight years ahead of schedule. This is alongside being awarded an EcoVadis Silver Award for their progress across environment, human rights, ethics and sustainability, putting them in the top 25% of more than 100,000 companies assessed

Digital Space’s commitment to improving their Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) involves:

  • Reducing the energy and carbon used in its operations
  • Defining ethical standards and backing them up with training and whistle-blowing procedures
  • Encouraging its suppliers to improve
  • Finding ways to enable its customers to reduce their emissions

Tim Lancaster, Managing Director for Cloud & Sustainability at Digital Space, explains that moving to 100% renewable energy has both enabled Digital Space to achieve its target early and has meant that its customers have reduced their own carbon footprint, simply by moving their infrastructure to Digital Space.

“It’s great to have achieved our first carbon target so early but we know that reaching Net Zero by 2035 will be hard so we’re now planning projects to make our data centres even more energy efficient, as well as working with our suppliers and customers to reduce their emissions as well.”

Tim further elaborated on our vision by saying:

“We already have a good understanding of the ongoing market requirement for private Cloud hosting, which we provide via our data centres. Our current expectation is that this will become more competitive as Cloud hosting increases, but there are also countervailing pressures from the need to serve content close to where it’s consumed. Digital Space provides AWS & Azure hosting too but growing that should not increase our emissions because our public Cloud providers have already committed to net zero targets (by 2030 for Microsoft Azure and by 2040 for AWS) and data centre technologies are becoming more efficient.”

For more information on our Carbon Reduction Plan, please click here.

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